In this article, we will list the most important User Interface controls and their names. Please refer to this list so you can recognize these controls and understand what is being referred to in the articles available on this site.
User interface
The Application window is divided into three main sections. Refer to the following image to locate each section:
- Command Toolbar: it is the upper section of the interface, containing buttons such as New project, Save, Undo, Redo, Print, Visualization modes (Layout/3D/2D), Settings;
- Components Window: it is the vertical section located on the left side of the screen, where you will search for covering materials, patterns, or furnishing elements and 3D objects;
- Properties Window: it is the vertical section located on the right side of the screen, where you can see (and change) the properties of a selected item (be it a tile, pattern, object, configurable item, etc.). if you click outside the layout of the room, the Properties window shows the generic information of the project, where you can write the customer name, project description, and more, specifying also whether the project is confidential or public (the project must be public in order to be shared with other users)
Popup Menu
This is the small menu that appears when you select an item within your project, such as a tile, an object, a wall, etc., with either your finger or the left mouse button.
Click the command you want to use or close the popup menu by hitting the ESC button on your keyboard.
In the next image, you can see the Popup menu that appears when you click on the wall tiling: