If you want to tile a wall, it's best to first switch to the 3D View (click here to see how). You can also tile a single wall from the Front View (2D), although the 3D View gives you more flexibility in tiling multiple walls.
From the Components window, search for the tile/product you want to apply to the wall, then drag it and drop it onto the wall:
As you drop the item, the Application applies a single row of the tile at the base of the selected wall, as shown in the following image:
We can set a different height for this section (called a "strip" by the Application). Click on the tile in order to select the row you just applied. Once selected, on the right side of the screen, the Properties window will show you the section properties:
In this window, you can change the grout size and color, rotate your tile, change the alignment (use the arrows), or modify the strip height. You can change the height by specifying the exact height you need, or use the up/down arrows to increase/decrease the number of rows within the strip.
In the next image, you can see that we have doubled the rows of tiles in the strip, then added a trim: just select the trim in the Components window, drag and drop it onto the empty part of the wall.
If you drop a tile over an existing tile, the Application will change the old tile with the new one. If you want to add a new strip above an existing one, make sure you drop the new tile on the empty part of the wall.
If you click (or tap with your finger) one of the strips in the wall, a popup appears with the following options:
- Copy on the other walls: run this command if you want to replicate the wall pattern that you have created on each wall of the project (the entire wall tiling will be copied). This command includes inner walls too, but not the masonry objects (small walls).
- Remove selected: run this command if you want to remove the strip you are selecting with the mouse (the other strips will remain)
- Remove all: run this command if you want to remove all tiles from the wall
- Front view: run this command if you want to switch to the 2D View